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Technology Services
The Technology Services Department of STEMO consolidates the company's expertise in system integration, to respond adequately to the growing needs of customers and strengthen further positions of the company as a systems integrator No. 1 in Bulgaria.
The Technology Services Department provides a wide range of high-tech services related to the design, development, implementation and management of IT projects, training and certification of professionals.
Fields of specialization of the Technology Services:
- High-end server and storage solutions
- Critical business applications
- Communication solutions
- Cloud solutions
- Microsoft integration
- Training and certification services
High-end server and storage solutions. Critical business applications.
Stemo is a Platinum Preferred Partner of HPЕ for critical business applications and a Corporative Partner of Fujitsu and Gold Partner of NetApp. Our specialists have thorough knowledge and extensive experience in design, implementation and maintenance of data centers, medium and high-end servers and storage solutions:
- Server systems for critical business applications
- SAN/NAS infrastructure
- Data storage and archiving systems
- Installation and configuration
- Support of users and systems
- Project management
The partnership with VMware, Citrix, Veeam, Barracuda Networks and other vendors allows us to design, implement and support virtualized server systems which are an important element of the projects for consolidation and integration of information infrastructures. The virtualization provides an abstract layer which separates the physical hardware from the operation system in order to ensure a higher flexibility and efficiency in the use of IT resources.
Virtualization solutions:
- Virtual Server Infrastructure - solutions for building a virtual server infrastructure
- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure - solutions for building a virtual desktop infrastructure
- Virtual Application и User Infrastructure - solutions for building a reliable virtual application and user environment
Communication solutions
STEMO is Cisco Gold Certified Partner and Service Partner, specialized in the field of unified communications, security and wireless networks. We have a team of highly qualified engineers and experts in routing, switching, IP telephony, network security and wireless networks who can offer support and services in all phases of the lifecycle of any communications solution - preparation, planning, design, implementation, operation and optimization.
By combining its expertise in Cisco solutions with the own value-added services portfolio STEMO is uniquely positioned as a trusted technological consultant and can provide more sophisticated and complete solutions needed by businesses and customers.
Main activities:
- Research and analysis of customer needs and existing communication and IT infrastructure;
- Design, planning and implementation of communication systems;
- Reliable high-tech solutions tailored to business processes, scale and activity specifics of corporate and SMB customers;
- Development, installation, configuration and integration of communication and information systems;
- Consultancy services related to optimization of the customers’ communication infrastructure and network services.
Microsoft Integration
STEMO specializes and has the highest level of expertise in solutions based on products of Microsoft. The company is Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and corporate reseller with the widest range of competencies for system integration of Microsoft platforms and infrastructure solutions in Bulgaria.
There are 40 Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP) working for the company who passed a variety of qualifying exams and application tests to fulfill the strict certification requirements and help demonstrate the best-in-class expertise within Microsoft’s marketplace. The Microsoft competencies we have achieved are an evidence of the deepest, most consistent commitment to a specific, in-demand, business solution areas and prove the high degree of the company proficiency.
The Microsoft competences of STEMO:
Gold Datacenter:
- System Center
- Azure
- Windows Server
Gold Devices and Deployment
- Desktop Optimization Pack
- Intune
- Office
- Office 365
- System Center
- Windows, Windows Phone
Gold Volume Licensing
- предоставяне на лицензионни решения, съгласно програмите за обемно лицензиране на Microsoft
- доставка на лицензи по програмите за обемно лицензиране на Microsoft
Gold Data Platform
- SQL Server
Gold Identity and Access
- Forefront Identity Manager
- Office 365
- Azure
- Windows Server
Gold OEM
- Office
- Windows
- Windows Server
- Windows Server Essentials
Silver Hosting
- Exchange Server
- Skype for Business Server
- SharePoint Server
- SQL Server
- System Center
- Windows
- Windows Server
Silver Learning
- организиране и провеждане на Microsoft курсове
- сертификация
- подготовка на индивидуални програми
Silver Messaging
- Exchange Server
- Exchange Online
Silver Midmarket Solution Provider
- Azure
- Office 365
- Windows Server
Our MCPs have broad experience in implementation of Microsoft solutions including full range of services:
- Audit - review of the customer’s infrastructure, preparation of reports about the current state of the systems with recommendations how to eliminate troubles and optimize the infrastructure according to the rules of MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework) and MOF (Microsoft Operations Framework). Special attention is paid to security.
- Design and Implementation - design and implementation of projects related to deployment of Microsoft products and systems in large organizations in accordance with Microsoft rules and the best practices and models in the IT industry.
- Migration - projects for migrating existing Microsoft platforms to newer versions or for improving the functionality of already operating systems.
- Support - a partner for high-quality maintenance services and provides customers the highest level of support guaranteed by the possibility to obtain direct help from Microsoft for problems with a high degree of complexity or criticality.
The Microsoft specializations of the company guarantee quick, reliable and efficient solution of the problems, lower total cost of ownership, the highest level of support, direct connection to Microsoft for minimizing financial losses caused by software problems, help on designing new and extending existing information systems, Microsoft products demonstration, etc.
Training and certification center
The company’s training and certification center works within Business Solutions directorate. As a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions it provides courses in accordance with the MOC (Microsoft Official Curriculum), as well as additional accelerated technical training and certification in the field of information technologies.
The specialized courses and seminars that we offer enable enterprises and IT professionals to enhance their knowledge, qualification and efficiency in order to achieve maximum return of investments in information technologies.
Besides standard Microsoft courses the training center provides education by custom-made individual curricula tailored to specific needs.Our trainers and instructors give quality intensive training in a real IT environment on programs that facilitate the understanding and learning theory and ensure successful certification and accomplishment.
The trainers of STEMO are:
- Microsoft Certified Trainers with the highest level of technical specialization in industry
- Professionals with long-term experience in the field of IT consultations
- Experts who will easily introduce you into the complicated modern information technologies
The company is an authorized testing center of PearsonVUE - world leaders in the development and delivery of electronic certification tests for the most of the leading international IT vendors. The trainees of the STEMO training center have an opportunity to secure the obtained theoretical and practical knowledge by taking electronic certification exams issued by the respective vendor.
The most significant projects of the Technology Services Department.